A Place We Have Visited -March 2018-
I liked visiting the Great Wall because it is one of the seven wonders of the world. I also liked that we were able to eat Subway on the Great Wall because they had a Subway shop on the pathway. I liked the tobbogan down the Great Wall. We got to go up by a ski lift type of thing and to get down we tobboganed down. I liked the chinese food that we ate at the Cheesecake Factory in the mall we visited. The orange chicken was the best I have ever eaten.
I was very nervous about visiting China because I knew that they didnt allow google maps and other internet apps. I use google maps to get around cities and not having that option brought me back to my childhood days where I needed to search out maps to know where to go. Maps were also not easily available there either and so we had to rely on taxis to just get us where we wanted to go. This was an adventure because we had 5 people in our family we needed to get 2 taxis. We didnt know if the taxi drivers would get us to the same place. Luckily they always dropped us off within a couple blocks from each other. I loved visitng all of the sites, the Great Wall, The Forbidden Palace, the Summer Palace, and just walking through the streets. The architecure was amazing to experience in person. It gave a sense of awe and wonder as to how people in long ago times could build structures that can last centuries!
I liked that after taking the tobbogan down the Great Wall I was able to get Subway. I really liked the Cheesecake Factory because it had been a long time since we had eaten "American" type food. I liked the Summer Palace and the map that we were able to get from there. I also liked the Kung Fu show that we got to go to. I liked how there was a huge spherical cage that had 6 people riding motorcycles in it at the same time and they didn't crash.
I loved the Great Wall because I liked going up using the ski lift and then coming down using the bobsled. I liked the ski lift because it was first time going on a ski lift and my feet dangling. I liked the tobboganing because I wasn't expecting it to be an option coming down the Great Wall. I liked the Summer Palace because the architecture was amazing in how it was all laid out. Even though it was a really big place, it was easy to navigate.
I liked visiting the Great Wall because it was really cool how it was built and how it stretches for miles and miles. Eventhough I was super scared to go down the tobbogan, it ended up being so much fun. I enjoyed visiting the Summer Palace because the city was so beautiful and the architecture was amazing.